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Literacy Intervention Matrix Wiki

Deconstruction of CCSS Grade-Level Standards K-12

In November of 2011, a committee of general education and special education literacy experts from across the state of Arkansas were brought together and charged with the task of creating a document to assist teachers with the implementation of the ELA Common Core State Standards. The work was started with a deconstructing of the grade level standards using a template that included the College and Career Readiness Anchor Standard, the Common Core State Standard, and a section noting the essential learning that a student would need when approaching the new standard, as well as what a student should know, understand, and be able to do to successfully master the new standard.The resulting progression tool allows teachers to plan their instruction not only in relation to current expectations, but also in relation to prior and subsequent expectations. Thus, teachers are able to view current learning against a broader scope and sequence of development. They are able to make connections to prior and successive learning. Special education teachers will find this tool particularly useful when developing standards-based IEPs.